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Design + branding
Small Biz Strategy
Here’s the thing, I’ve spent the last 10 years studying what makes a photography business successful. So when you hear what I am about to tell you, know that it comes from experience (and love)… If your website has a portfolio page, You’re losing money Let’s chat about WHY your Portfolio page is helping you […]
We all know that social media is a powerful tool in your marketing playbook, so why not let your website help you get new followers + admirers? Connecting your social media feeds to your new website is a simple way to give your ideal client access to your most recent photos and posts, so they […]
1. Celebrate!! First things first, take a minute to congratulate yourself. I know, better than anyone, how much work goes into creating a new brand and web design. Even with a professional designer by your side, getting to that finish line is still a bit of a process. BUT YOU DID IT!! That HUGE item […]