
There is nothing that gets me more inspired and ready to elevate my game like an empowering audiobook. I try to commit to listening to one every week or so. I love turning them when I’m getting ready for the day, heading out for a walk, or even when I am in an editing/ designing […]

June 30, 2024

Bingeworthy Summer Reads By Badass Women

A woman with long wavy hair sits leaning her chin on her hand, wearing a white blouse and jeans, against a light background.

Yes, that often-overlooked slice of digital real estate at the bottom of your page is about to get the VIP treatment it deserves. Why? Because your SEO is about to go from “meh” to “WOW” with just a few tweaks. So, grab your favorite snack (chocolate? chips? No judgment here!) and let’s dive into these must-do updates for your website footer. Trust me, your website will thank you, and so will Google.

April 15, 2024

6 Ways to Make Your Footer Market Your Small Business While You Sleep

“You have to price yourself similarly to your local competition”.

This is one of the biggest myths that I hear all the time from my small business photographer clients. I know that trying to price your photography services can be a pain in the butt…

January 17, 2024

Photographers! Here’s how to figure out your pricing in 5 quick steps!

Woman sitting at a white desk with an open laptop in front of her, she is writing notes. You cannot see her face but you can see her long wavy hair

This little post will give you ideas to help you create an exceptional client experience that will not only make your clients feel valued and comfortable but also help you attract the right kind of clients. All while not spending a penny!!

November 5, 2023

16 Ways to Step-Up Your Client Experience for FREE: A Guide for New Photographers

I’m going to let you in on a little secret that I have been using for years to help with my SEO.

October 26, 2023

SEO Hacks: Why You Definitely Need a Mini-Bio on Your Blog Posts

A tablet sitting on a table with a small wood spoon, a cup of coffee, and some pampas grass. The tablet screen show's a photographer's Thank you Page

You NEED to set up a custom 404 and Thank You page on your website. When you do, make sure that you…

October 2, 2023

How To Get More Business From Your 404 Thank You Pages.

Meet Ava Isley, A fun + feminine Showit website template designed with soft blush colors, whimsical fonts, and an effortlessly elegant style.

Introducing AVA ISLEY, a semi-custom, fully editable, photographer’s best friend, Showit Website Template!

She’s the VERY FIRST Showit template in my shop, and I’m kind of obsessed with her.

May 3, 2023

The Showit Template Shop is OPEN!!

Before we start, I want to mention that some of the links included in this blog are affiliate links. It’s important to note that I only partner with companies that I love and personally use or have tested myself. If I recommend a product or service, you can trust that it is something I truly […]

March 9, 2023

How to Add Custom Font to Your Showit Site or Template (in less than 2 minutes)

The top 5 mistakes I see most photographers make on their website.

March 9, 2023

The Top 5 Mistakes I See Most Photographers Make on Their Website.

Here’s the thing, I’ve spent the last 10 years studying what makes a photography business successful. So when you hear what I am about to tell you, know that it comes from experience (and love)… If your website has a portfolio page, You’re losing money Let’s chat about WHY your Portfolio page is helping you […]

March 6, 2023

Photographers: If your website has a Portfolio Page, you’re losing money.